I-GAP Project
Italian + Innovative + Intelligent + Impacting Gas Absorption heat Pump

The project aims to develop technologies for the production of high efficiency heating systems.
The specific technology adopted is natural gas absorption heat pumps (GAHP) of reduced size, units offering an economically sustainable and easily integrated solution for heating residential buildings.
It is a technology capable of reducing air emissions and energy consumption by up to 40% compared to traditional heating systems, and for this reason has a high potential for application in the market.
These systems have the prerogative of being easily integrated into the building-system, with maintenance similar to that of a traditional boiler system and suitable for high volume production.
The lead partner in the project is Ariston Thermo Innovative Technologies, which guides the partnership in development of the technology.
The other partners involved, besides GEFRAN, are: D&P, an Italian engineering company that supports the mechanical design of certain components and validation systems; Politecnico di Milano , which offers its expertise in thermodynamic modelling and, through its accredited laboratories, supports the performance testing of prototypes; Sintea , which collaborates in the design and commissioning of demonstration installations; and SNAM, a European leader in the transport of methane gas, which supports analysis of impact on the national energy system in order to assess the benefits for infrastructure in coordination with the Energy Department of Politecnico di Milano.
Gefran‘s contribution involves providing prototype pressure sensors that help maximize the system’s efficiency with their measurements.
The specific technology adopted is thick film on steel, capable of supporting the thermal jumps typical of the heat pump’s thermodynamic cycle while ensuring the high metrological performance required.
Ariston Thermo Innovative Technologies Srl, Politecnico di Milano – Dipartimento di Energia, D&P srl, Gefran Spa, Sintea Srl, Snam Spa.