Gefran S.p.A. shareholders’ meeting approves the 2021 financial statements
Provaglio d'Iseo (BS), 28 April 2022

Gefran S.p.A. shareholders’ meeting approves the 2021 financial statements
Provaglio d’Iseo (BS), 28 April 2022 – The Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting of Gefran S.p.A. chaired by Maria Chiara Franceschetti was held today. The shareholders approved the Gefran S.p.A. financial statements for the year 2021 (details below) and the Board’s proposal to distribute an ordinary dividend of 0.38 Euro per entitled share before taxes.
- Gefran S.p.A. shareholders approve the 2021 financial statements and distribution of a dividend of 0.38 Euro per share
- Approval of the authorisation to purchase own shares
- Revenues up 21.1% in the first quarter of 2022 over 2021
The ex-dividend date will be 9 May 2022, with a record date of 10 May 2022 and payment on 11 May 2022. The coupon number representing the dividend is 17. The remainder of the annual profit will be allocated to the retained earnings reserve.
Performance of the parent company, Gefran S.p.A.
- Revenues of 74.9 million Euro
- Gross Operating Margin of 15.2 million Euro
- Net profit of 9.2 million Euro
Consolidated results
- Revenues of EUR 160.2 million
- Gross Operating Margin of 26.2 million Euro
- Net profit of 13.7 million Euro
General Remuneration Policy
In accordance with art. 123-ter of Italy’s Consolidated Finance Act (TUF), the shareholders’ meeting held a binding vote approving the Group’s 2022 Remuneration Policy and its Remuneration Report for the year 2021.
Own shares
The Shareholders’ Meeting authorised the purchase and disposal, in one or more instalments, of a number of ordinary shares in the Company representing a maximum of 10% of the company’s share capital (as of the date of this press release, this means a maximum of 1,440,000.00 ordinary shares, with a nominal value of 1.00 Euro each). The authorisation is granted for a period of 18 months from the date of the shareholders’ resolution.
Gefran shall inform the market weekly, in accordance with the procedures established by the competent authorities, of the number and average price of the shares purchased, the cumulative number of shares and the total value of the investment on that date.
Marcello Perini, Chief Executive Officer of the Gefran Group, comments: “The results of the 2021 financial statements, which are better than expected, and generation of dividends are truly positive signs. The all-round investment plan implemented in recent years has played a key role in achieving these results and laying solid foundations for future growth. The year 2022 has opened in the same positive way as last year, as demonstrated by the results of the first quarter. We are optimistic about the evolution of our business, despite the current elements of uncertainty: issues in the supply of materials, the effects of the Russia-Ukraine conflict on the global economy, and, most recently, the new lockdowns in China”.