Gefran and the Soldano Foundation launch the “YOU&AI_discover your talent project” for high schools
The orienteering initiative for high school students in Brescia’s province.

Gefran and Fondazione Soldano
Gefran and Fondazione Soldano have launched the second edition of the “YOU&AI_Discover your talent” project, dedicated to about 500 students in the third, fourth and fifth grades of four high schools in the province of Brescia, IIS Einaudi in Chiari, IIS Antonietti in Iseo, IIS Gigli in Rovato and IIS Marzoli in Palazzolo. The project’s objective is to involve students in an orienteering activity that will lead them to reflect on themselves and their talents in order to direct them to their future educational path.
LeXGiornate Young_Towards new generations
The project is part of the “LeXGiornate Young_Towards new generations” initiative of the Soldano Foundation and focuses on the meeting between people (YOU) and artificial intelligence (AI). By interpreting the latter in a wider context of technological innovation, the project aims at learning more on how these two worlds can consciously and responsibly interact with each other.
“YOU&AI_Discover Your Talent” fits significantly into Gefran’s Strategic Sustainability Plan: investing in younger generations through targeted educational programs and strengthening ties with the local area while also promoting access to STEM disciplines (an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) based on one’s talents, going beyond any gender bias.
4 meetings to work on discovering talents
The initiative includes 4 meetings to work on discovering talents and possibilities that today’s world offers in order to realize them. Moreover, significant examples in the area will also be discussed, thus stimulating young people to constructive reflections on their education.
The format involves the active participation of students who, guided by teachers and the video contributions of the speakers, will work on specific topics with the aim of preparing for the individual meetings, where they will have the opportunity to interact and engage directly with the experts.
Gefran experience on talent development
Gefran will be featured in the first two meetings with Patrizia Belotti, Chief People & Organization Officer and Chief Communication Officer, and Federico Bassignana, Employee Experience & kenFLY Coordinator People & Organization. They will bring their experiences on talent development and exploring their own capabilities.
Thanks to specially developed toolkits, young people will be able to think in a guided way about what are their attitudes, skills and experiences with the aim of identifying strengths and areas for improvement.
The fourth and final event will be instead dedicated to three testimonials: three stories of young people who have been able to turn their passion for technology into a profession.
“Our objective – explains Patrizia Belotti, Chief People & Organization Officer and Chief Communication officer in Gefran – is to bring students closer to the world of technology in a conscious way, providing them the opportunity to meet experts of the field that could be examples and source of inspiration for them, allowing for a deeper reflection on skills, strengths and growth opportunities. The aim is to make the younger generation understand that each of us has a talent within us, and that once identified, it can be developed into a set of skills that in our Talent Academy are the sum of abilities and knowledge. The YOU&AI project will therefore be an opportunity to offer students useful tools to identify their talents and dispel stereotypes that lead to the exclusion of certain study and career paths.”
È altresì fondamentale capire fin dalla giovane età che l’errore può diventare un’opportunità di crescita, se sfruttato come esercizio di apprendimento. Con questo progetto desideriamo fornire alle studentesse e agli studenti gli strumenti per lavorare sul proprio domani, anche attraverso l’uso di kenFLY, la piattaforma digitale alla quale le persone di Gefran di tutto il mondo accedono per allenare capacità e competenze, scambiare esperienze e conoscenze, nata per esaltare le qualità delle persone”.
“We would like to reassure that “feeling out of place” is completely normal – adds Federico Bassignana, Employee Experience & kenFLY Coordinator People & Organization in Gefran – it would be weird not to be. Choosing the right path for your future is important, but to do so it is necessary to spend time and energies to know oneself, training their strengths and weaknesses. It is also crucial to understand at a young age that mistakes can become an opportunity for growth if used as a learning exercise. With this project we wish to provide students with the tools to work on their future, including through the use of kenFLY, the digital platform that Gefran people around the world access to train skills and competencies, exchange experiences and knowledge, created to enhance people’s qualities.”